Hot Toddy Recipes with Brenne Whisky

January 7, 2014 § 9 Comments

With the record low temperatures we’re having, I thought there no better time then now to share some of my FAVORITE Hot Toddy recipes using Brenne whisky!

The classic Hot Toddy is made with hot water (tea optional), lemon, honey and either whiskey, brandy or rum.  I like to kick it up a bit and use a more complex tea that I think would complement the specific aged spirit that I’ll be adding.  And there’s definitely a correlation between us whisky geeks and our deep appreciation for fun teas!

Brenne is a much more fruit-forward, floral & creamy Single Malt which lends itself especially well to Toddy’s, particularly if you make them with black teas that hint of orange, vanilla, cinnamon, burnt sugar, lavender … you get the idea!  Below are 2 of my favorite recipes but feel free to play around using different teas and reversing the garnishes!

Brenne Whisky Hot Toddy


  • 4oz Brenne French Single Malt Whisky
  • ½ cup hot tea made with Chai-spiced black tea
  • 1 tbs honey
  • 1 thick slice of orange
  • Cloves (to stick into the side of the orange wheel, as many as desired)

Brenne Whisky Hot Toddy


*Also try these two Brenne Toddy’s with opposite garnishes and spices!*

Now that we’ve established the recipes, let’s break down the (VERY EASY) steps!  While you’re reading, go ahead and put the kettle on the stove and start bringing the water up to boil … And we’re off!



  1. Pull together all of your ingredients while the water is heating up.
  2. In your favorite heat-proof drinking vessel, pour about 1/2 cup of hot water over your desired tea.  Let steep for a few minutes while you work on your garnishes (poking cloves into your orange slice, carefully peeling that extra long wide lemon peel, etc)Hot_Toddy_Step_2
  3. Remove the tea and add the honey – stirring to mix
  4. Pour in the whiskyHot_Toddy_Step_3
  5. Garnish
  6. Relax and enjoy!
    Brenne Whisky Hot Toddy's

    Brenne Whisky Hot Toddy’s

    Share your favorite Hot Toddy recipes below or with me on twitter! @whiskygirls

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